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Ubuntu Release Schedule Video

By • Jan 12th, 2010 • Filed under: Open-Source, Ubuntu, Video

A short video that explains the Ubuntu release schedule and life cycle; – The Ubuntu Desktop and Server are released every six months and each release is supported for 18 months. – An LTS (Long Term Support) version of the Ubuntu Desktop and Server is produced every 2 years, the Ubuntu Desktop gets a 3 […]

A Two Minute Video To Explain 3.5% Of Google Wave

By • Oct 3rd, 2009 • Filed under: Ubuntu, Video, Web Utilities, Windows

What is Google Wave and why use it? Yes I know, these are two big questions. This two-minute video by Google tries to make things clearer, not every thing, as the video explains only 3.5 percent of Google Wave says TechCrunch. My guess is Google is using the email part of the story as a […]

People behind KDE4 and Plasma on Video

By • Nov 23rd, 2007 • Filed under: Linux Packages, Video

Talking about how for the KDE team has gone with the building of the so-called KDE4: Plasma, here comes a video by Aaron Seigo (People Behind KDE) on the final stages leading to the KDE 4.0 release. A preview of Containments in Plasma, and other status updates, by Aaron Seigo.

What is OpenID and how can you apply it?

By • Sep 26th, 2007 • Filed under: Linux Packages, Open Source Advocacy, Open-Source, Video

France’s Internet Service Provider(ISP) Orange adopts OpenID. The news is a recent one and comes straight from the Digital ID conference in San Francisco. It simply says, Orange the big French ISP with over 40million subscribers around the world adopt the OpenID registration standard. This is a major move by the French operator to lower […]