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WordPress: The Frame Breaker Plugin Gets Rid of the Digg ToolBar and other Frames

By • May 27th, 2009 • Filed under: Open-Source, WordPress

Diggbar or DiggToolbar is a virtual toolbar that sits on top of all articles/stories linked from Digg.com. It puts your webpage inside a permanent IFRAME, so when you navigate to another webpage, the toolbar remains on top.

WordPress Plugin – MaxBlogPress Stripe Ad

By • Jan 7th, 2008 • Filed under: WordPress

MaxBlogPress Stripe Ad is a simple WordPress Ad plugin that places a little ad stripe at the top of your blog – that’s all; its an alternative way to put ads on your blogs. These ads sit right up there, where they can be seen by everyone. No pop-ups, nothing. It is very easy to […]

What WordPress Plugins do you use?

By • Apr 11th, 2007 • Filed under: WordPress

What are your favourite plugins? Here’s a little survey/question for WordPress users out there and the answers are usually pointing at a plugin of one kind or another – so I thought I’d let you know what I’m using – but only on the condition that you show me yours. I found this post very […]

WP Subscribe To Comments

By • Apr 10th, 2007 • Filed under: WordPress

This plugin will allow your readers to get email notifications when comments are left on a post after their own. The install is very simple and does not modifyany WP core code. As well, it’s future-proofed to work, as is, with the next version of WordPress without your needing to upgrade the plugin. Download the […]