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ReclaimPrivacy Bookmarklet, A Facebook Privacy Scanner

By • May 19th, 2010 • Filed under: Web Utilities

If you’ve gotten yourself entangled in Facebooks privacy traps and seriously want to know those privacy settings have to be disabled but are currently enabled on your Facebook account, then use this handy bookmarklet from ReclaimPrivacy.org

Facebook Chat Now Available Everywhere with XMPP [Pidgin and Empathy IM]

By • Feb 17th, 2010 • Filed under: Open-Source, Ubuntu, Windows

For Windows, Linux and Mac: Now that Facebook chat supports XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol) client formerly known as Jabber, it is easy to bring Facebook chat updates to your Ubuntu desktops via Ubuntu notification, libnotify.

Use Facebook to Protect Your Email Address from Scrappers

By • Dec 4th, 2009 • Filed under: Email, Security, Web Utilities

A simple trick you can quickly deploy to prevent your email addresses from scrappers is use to display them in an image format. That’s exactly how Facebook deals with our email addresses to prevent friends and spambots from scrapping them. So if you need an email image and don’t have time to create one, then […]

StumbleUpon Toolbar gets Web Page Sharing across Twitter and Facebook via Su.pr

By • Sep 28th, 2009 • Filed under: Firefox, Ubuntu, Web Utilities, Windows

“I already have the Stumble toolbar installed. Just give me a button to send to Su.pr so I can submit it to Twitter without another bookmarklet”. That’s exactly what a StumbleUpon user asked for a while ago in the Su.pr Suggestions Feedback Forum. Now the StumbleUpon team has made it possible to post a web […]

Spon.gy: Download your Facebook Photo Albums with a No-install Webapp

By • Sep 22nd, 2009 • Filed under: Browsers, Web Utilities

For Mac, Linux and Windows: Spon.gy is a free web-application that helps you to download your Facebook albums in just two steps; login and download. Spon.gy downloads all “Photos Tagged of You” with the option to include photos in your own albums. You don’t have to install Spon.gy and its accessible from every computer with […]