Eye-candy, theme-driven Applications Menu, GnoMenu updates to version 2.5 with lots of bugs fixes and a new theme called iTheme, see screenshot above. GnoMenu 2.5 also improves gtk theming, its now smoothly continuous than ever before, those who have used previous version will certainly notice that. You’ll also get a notification bubble when you add […]
GnoMenu applications menu hits version 2.0. This new version now works on Debian and Suse Linux desktops. It comes with lots of bug fixes, speed improvements, and new features. GnoMenu 2.0 has two kick-ass features. It can now be launched from AWN and, you can access your Firefox, Opera, Chromium bookmarks, and that of other […]
GnoMenu , eye-candy Applications Menu will have version 2.0 out soon, maybe on the 15th of this month and Avant Window Navigator, my favorite dock will soon be releasing version 0.4 with support for non composited Linux desktops. Right now you can get version also considered as AWN 0.4 beta from PPA for Awn […]
GnoMenu the eye-candy, theme-driven Applications Menu for the Gnome desktop is now available in the Launchpad repository so you can get updates directly from your Update Manager. For Ubuntu 9.04 users: Add to your /etc/apt/sources.list and get notified when updates/upgrades are available. deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/gnomenu-team/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/gnomenu-team/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main signing key: sudo apt-key adv […]
[Click to Enlarge] Wallpaper switchers, new themes, GDMs and GnoMenu all have one purpose – they bring fresh and new looks to our Gnome Desktops. GnoMenu is a highly customizable, theme-driven Applications Menu for your Gnome desktop. The XML theme engine supports very attractive themes with transparency, even on non composited desktops.