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Gnote gets Synchronization, install via PPA

By • Apr 18th, 2013 • Filed under: Open-Source, Ubuntu

Gnote, the mono free Tomboy clone finally gets in-built synchronization.

Xmarks 3.7 now provides Password Restore and More

By • Jul 3rd, 2010 • Filed under: Firefox, Open-Source

After the ‘Bookmark Restore’ feature in my.xmarks.com Tools menu here comes Password Restore, a new Xmarks feature. ‘Bookmark Restore’ is a great way go back in time, and explore your old bookmarks backed-up in Xmarks servers, and even restore them too. ‘Password Restore’ is capable of restoring your synced passwords to Firefox password manager in […]

Mozilla rebrands Weave Sync as Firefox Sync

By • May 21st, 2010 • Filed under: Firefox, Open-Source

Mozilla hasdecided to rebrand Weave Sync as Firefox Sync – but what’s is in a name? Easy to guess, Firefox Sync delivers the message, it sounds like synchronization is an in-built feature in Firefox, though it remains a plug-in.

Xmarks Tab Sync now opens Remote Tabs in any Web Browser

By • Apr 29th, 2010 • Filed under: Browsers, Firefox, Open-Source, Web Utilities

Xmarks recently started syncing open tabs across Firefox browsers – Internet Explorer and Chrome also have open-tab sync support. You can now re-open your remote tabs on any device with a web browser, like the iPhone or computer and in any web browser of your choice using Xmarks new web based feature. To open your […]

NoteSync note-taker offers two-way Sync with Google Docs

By • Apr 22nd, 2010 • Filed under: Ubuntu, Windows

NoteSync is a cross-platform note-taker application that also offers a two-way sync with your Google docs, meaning the notes you take with NoteSync finish in a ‘NoteSync’ folder in your Google docs account – if you drop any documents into the ‘NoteSync’ folder in Google docs, they’ll be uploaded to NoteSync, where you can easily […]